I just wanted to update the old blog.  I know a lot of people who are thankfully no longer in our lives still read this hoping for an update and insight into our fantastic life.  So I thought I would be nice and give you that update.

Yes, James and I are engaged.  We got engaged in early October, and yes, we DO plan on getting married in 2016.  I won’t be going and putting the date or location out there, but it will be soon and we couldn’t be more excited.  😀

Oh, and yes, we did buy a house in Florida.  It’s an amazingly huge house (over 2,000 sq ft).  We are so very thankful to those family members and friends who helped us pack and unpack.

We are beyond happy and excited to move forward, and start a family (yes we will be doing that very soon too!)

Every day our love and relationship gets stronger and we are glad that we have a future to look forward to.


So since I have another blog that I will be using on a regular basis, I’ve decided to post one more blog post here seeing as how people have this link and what not.  Anyways, here is I guess you can consider it an apology of sorts.  It’s how I handle things (I’m a very weird person if you haven’t already noticed!)  So you can either read it or not, but I would hope that people do.

I will warn you, it’s long.

So it’s been almost a week since the previous weekend and all the issues that followed it.  I’ve had time to think and time to process things.

I guess the first thing I can review on (or reflect, reflect might be a better word).  The first thing I can reflect on is how childish everyone acted.  And yes I say everyone because we all acted like we were in the fifth grade (alright more like high school grade) kids.  I do know that when people get angry they act a lot younger than they are.  Hell it happens to everyone, I see fifty some year old professionals acting like high schoolers in the work place.  It’s just the way people go about things I guess.  Anyways, we all should have known better, but I should have known to not act like that myself.  I can’t control how others act, but I can control how I act.

The second thing I had time to reflect on is the entire situation and how it came about.  I understand someone being upset that the room of a deceased was changed without their knowledge.  However, if an emergency arises, there isn’t anything anyone can really do but just move past it.  I know from personal experience that I didn’t want anything about my father’s room or area to be changed.  But change helps the healing process.  I’m not saying I’m over it, and okay with my father being gone, but having things changed help me not be as upset.  Any parent wouldn’t want their children to be sad all the time and constantly missing them.  They would want their children to live their life and be excited for the future, not dwell on little things such as a bedroom or a chair placement.

Now onto the third thing…my blog.  I love writing.  That’s no secret to anyone that knows me.  It’s something that makes me happy and sometimes helps clear my head.  So let me try to explain this in the simplest way possible (I sometimes don’t make sense).  My mind or brain works fast.  When I come up with a story, I run through the whole thing rather quickly.  So when I have thoughts in my head about life or venting frustration, my mind is going super fast.  Writing long hand I can’t even begin to go as fast as my mind.  I often miss words, or forget something.  That’s why I type things now.  It’s faster (not as fast as I need), but I make less mistakes, it’s easier to fix mistakes, and it doesn’t hurt my hand as bad.  So I write in a blog, and there are some stuff I don’t mind people reading, other stuff, I like to keep private for various reasons, but mostly because I’m either venting or it’s just really personal and I just need to jot it down somewhere.  I won’t go as far to thinking that someone got my password, but that is possible (I always reuse old passwords).  However, I honestly think that there was a glitch in the blog.  I’ve read up on it and it has happened to a few other bloggers.  So for those of you who got the chance to read my private “venting” post, I’m sorry.  That was never meant for public eyes.  It was just me being upset with the fact that the person who is supposed to be my best friend (and I will get into that too), didn’t tell me she was flying in and then got angry at me and my boyfriend over something that could have been easily explained and the arguments could have been completely avoided.  I’m sorry if I had hurt anyone’s feelings with the content of things that were said.  I base everything I say (or write) off of things I hear (usually from my boyfriend because I trust his word).  Does that mean I should have asked the others first about their situations?  Yes, probably, but then again, it’s not my business how they spend their money, or where they live, or what they do in their spare time, or how they treat their loved ones or enemies.  The only thing I take as my business is how others treat myself or my boyfriend.

Let me get into that real quick.  I say that it’s my business how others treat myself or my boyfriend because when he’s upset, I am the one that is there to do my best to fix it.  I remember a time before we even started dating and he just wanted to talk, and I just listened.  I didn’t say anything; I just opened my ears and listened to him.  Even after we started dating, I listen.  I wake up at 2am to rub his chest when he’s sick, or I run to the store to get him medicine.  When you love someone, and I mean truly love them, seeing them upset, or angry or hurt or sick is the worst feeling.  Especially if there isn’t anything you can do to fix it.  So I say it’s my business because he is my business.  He’s my hero, my knight, my world, and an amazing human.

So the best friend thing…well here’s the deal.  Best friends don’t have to live near each other, and I get that.  Mine move halfway across the country to be with someone she sees a future with.  Who can blame her?  If my boyfriend lived halfway across the country, I would have done the exact same thing.  I moved about two hours for him though.  Anyways, there was talk (or whatever you want to call it) of no communication.  Well first, phones work two ways and second, the calls/texts should have been a lot more than every so often.  Yes, I will take half the credit for the non talking.  It’s not easy being in different time zones (even if it is just an hour), plus not knowing the other persons schedule.  The lines should have been more between everyone and they weren’t.  Do I feel bad for that?  Yes I do.  I feel bad because not only did my boyfriend lose family, I lost a person I love and considered to be my best friend.  A person I shared just about every detail of my life with, a person who I would have been more than excited to see on a spur of the moment visit.

Over the course of the weekend, things went from one to another to something that I know no one wanted to happen.  I often wish I could go back in time to change my fathers death, or the way I moved out, or the way I felt about a certain situation.  This week has been hell.  I can’t get through the day without wishing that I could go back to change the situation.  But I’ve learned that unless this is a fiction novel, that won’t happen.  So instead of changing what happened, I want everyone (myself included), to take some time (if you need to), and really reflect on it.  Really think about what they want for the future.  Do you want to be in someone’s life?  Would you feel better just being done?  Apologizes are an obvious and needed thing.  I guess you could say this is the beginning of mine.  I want everyone to get along, and I know not everyone will all the time, but to have things not go back to what they were (because I know that won’t happen), but to have them be better than they are now.  I’m not part of the family, that was made clear.  However,  will be part of my boyfriends in a year and five months.  I know that one thing he wants is his family at his wedding.  How do I know this?  Because I had a perfect wedding idea, but seeing as how no one in either family would be able to attend it, he asked that we do it where family and close friends could attend.  I agreed (even though it’s not my dream wedding, it’s his).  I get my dream.  My dream is to be with a man who loves me for me and not for the fact that I sometimes follow the rules.  A man who wants a life of love, adventure and happiness.

So now that I’ve rambled for the past 1400 words (yeah I have a counter), and if you made it this far, great, you can handle rambling, congrats.  But really, if you made it this far, I hope you can take the time to appreciate the fact that I’m trying to fix what I know is broken.  I know that I have made mistakes and said things that weren’t nice.  Everyone did.  This is me, trying.  If you didn’t read this, that’s fine too. Hopefully it can be fixed, if not, at least the effort was put forward to try.

Thank you for reading (if you did).

So I have followed James’s wished and deleted my two previous posts because somehow, someone has figured out how to get into my blog and read my private posts which is super frustrating.  Some of my posts and very personal.  I blog because it’s my way of expressing myself.  It’s my way of explaining things.  I’m a writer, it’s how and where I feel the most comfortable.  Always have, always will be that way.  People express themselves in many different ways, it’s a way of life.

Anyways, I’ve made a choice to start a new blog so people can/will stop following this one. My new blog is started and it’s where I’ll be continuing and updating about my life, James’s life and our future that we have together.  And yes, we still have a future together; he has assured me he isn’t going anywhere.

Keep an eye on our cruising blog for updates and such about that!  Oh and don’t forget my writing blog is still there, still going.  Thank you all for reading my thoughts in this blog.  I hope you find me in the future and check out my new blog!

So I figured I would jump on and post a quick update for those of you who actually read and pay attention to my crazy, messed up mind.

Somethings that have happened lately:

Well long story short, I’m no longer enrolled in Everest and enrolled into Kaplan.  Seems like a better move, and they will hopefully be able to transfer over some if not all my credits.  😀

James and I have celebrated our one year anniversary on the 12th.  On the 11th we went to Jersey to spend time with my grandmother, uncle, Jen and Matt.  One the way home we made a detour in Dover, Delaware and got tattoos.  James and I finally got our matching tattoo.  I love it.

Yesterday, we went and looked at more houses.  Even though it’s fun, it’s getting to the point of “we will never find what we want.”  Well, we might have found it.  Saw a house yesterday that has everything we are looking for in a house.  One story, back deck, big back yard, three bedroom, two baths, and a nice kitchen.  So last night we took the plunge and put an offer in.  😀  Hoping that all comes back well.  According to our realtor if everything moves like it should we would settle by the end of May.  So fingers crossed.

Writing is going decent, the chat room helps a LOT, so does James when he sits there going, “You should be writing.” Haha.

GiShWhEs is coming up soon, so is the cruise, and then NaNo.  So many things happening that I’m just trying to stay on track.  🙂

Anyways, all is good, leave me some feedback here or message me privately!

Well it’s been a bit.  Things are still going good.  We were able to confirm the dates for our cruise this year.  Beginning of October!  Yay!  So I believe it’s about 182 days left or something like that.

James and I bought our first ‘big’ purchase together.  A car.  🙂  It’s a 2008 Kia Sorento.  I am the one that drives it the most though.  Got a new head unit in it that has bluetooth (it’s strange hearing someone talk to you through your speakers!)

I started working for Scentsy Fragrance.  It’s actually a lot of fun.  Mostly a side thing, but I can work on promoting and stuff at work.  Business cards just came in so now I can distribute them.  Soon I will be able to make ‘samples’ for people which will also help up clients.

James and I are still looking for a house, we just got our loan amount approved, so now it’s just a matter of looking and finding a house we like in an area we like.  I’m hoping to find one and move before the cruise this year.  It will make it that much more relaxing for me.

Writing is going good, but you can read more about that on my writing blog which is here.  🙂

So much is going on this year I’m hoping I don’t get overwhelmed.  Gishwhes is in August, NaNo is in November and I’m going to be an ML for southern MD.

Let’s see quick schedule of the next year:

April: working, writing for Camp NaNo.

May: Weekend with the kids, working, editing/writing, house hunting.

June: Summer!!  working and taking the kids out as much as possible.  Publishing, house hunting (buying?)

July:  Same as June except no publishing, house stuff (hopefully buying this month if not last)

August: Gishwhes!!! Getting set in a house if we find one, working.  More NaNo stuff.

September:  Getting reading for the cruise!!! House stuff, working post-gishwhes stuff.

October: CRUISE!!! (Engagement) Halloween, house stuff, working pre-NaNo stuff!

November: NANOWRIMO!!!!! And working.  🙂

December:  Post-NaNo, Christmas, house stuff, working.

Yep, busyish year.  Anyways, I’m off for now.  Have some stuff to do.  🙂

Well I haven’t updated in a while, guess I should, huh?  First, the cruise was fantastic!  I’m working on an extra long review/blog about it.  Plus I will blog/review my next two cruises!  Yes I said two.  James and I have first planned a cruise for next year (Oct 2016) that will be our honeymoon cruise.  My sister and her new boyfriend Matt will be joining us.  At first we decided that we will take a cruise every two years.  However, recently we decided that we want to use up vacation days.  So we are in the works of planning a cruise at the end of this year too.  Just need to confirm dates first.  🙂   Also we have been looking for houses lately as we plan to buy our own house this year.  So many things will be happening within the next two years I’m really excited.

Jen came to live with us in November.  I’m glad because she seems happy now.  My mom is still pissed, and I, well I still don’t really care.  She had plenty of chances to ‘talk’ but is more concerned with material things than her own kids.

I got a tablet from James.  He seems to like to spoil me even though I tell him no.

Anyways, not much else to update on at the moment.  Gotta run, keep an eye out for my cruise reviews!  😀

Wow.  It’s been bloody forever since I last posted.  Over six months!  Alright, let’s catch up.

So we’ll start with the summer June, July, and August.  I continued to go visit James on the weekends.  It was nice, but we both were missing each other during the week.  I used to hate Sunday nights because I knew that Monday I would have to drive home.  It wasn’t even just the drive that I hated, but the fact that I never knew if I would get home and my mom would be in a good mood or bad.  It made things suck even more.  Anyways, during the end of August I decided that I was going to move to southern Maryland.  There was no question, and it wasn’t just a fluke, I had a place to live (with a friend of mine), all I needed was a job.  The end of August was also three years after my father passed away.  I think about him every single day and wish so bad that he could be here today.  Not only to meet the man I’m in love with, but to be here to watch my sisters and I move on, and to see my niece’s daughters grow up, and to see his grand daughters become fantastic ladies.  I love him dearly and I hope he’s watching over us all.

Now we’ll move onto September (yes it needs it’s own section).  In the very beginning of September, James asked me to move in.  After a few days of “Are you sure?” I started to bring my stuff down.  On September 12th, I fully moved. I had spent the past few weeks packing and finally moved everything down to James’s house with Legacy.  I haven’t been happier.  It’s so nice seeing him every day.  Every night I get to go to bed knowing that he’s next to me.  My mom is pissed.  But frankly, I don’t care.

October was fun.  I started a new job (that I love), and James did some Halloween stuff with Jen and I, and then with Liz and I.  Legacy and Gunner actually get along which makes me super happy.

November…yes the month of fun.  Let’s see, it’s only November 14th.  But the cruise is at the end of the month, Thanksgiving is coming up.  It’s getting colder out.  James and I were talking today and it hit me.  When (if) we have kids they won’t have grandparents.  I mean they will have great grandparents, and tons of aunts and uncles, but no actual grandparents. His father is out of the picture (and has been for a long time), and his mother passed away last year.  My father passed away three years ago, and my mother isn’t in the picture and more than likely won’t ever be again.   I’m still super happy though that I’m here with him.  I am excited to see what the next year will bring (hopefully something really good).  I’ll try to update more.  🙂  In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed this.

So it’s been a while since I posted.  Actually exactly a month.  So let’s see if I can catch up on what has happened the past month.  James and I have been much closer.  I go down every weekend.  I don’t even bother asking if he wants me down anymore.  His family and friends just assume I’m there.  Like last weekend we went to the movies with his brother and his wife and afterwards when we were all standing around talking his brother pretty much was like “So you both will come over for dinner next weekend?”  Haha.  It’s kind of cute really.  Jen got a new boyfriend.  I barely see her and neither does mom.  She pretty much moved in with this new guy.  Kind of funny too since when I first started hanging out with James she was all like “You should give him a break one weekend.”  Yet she has pretty much lived with this guy for the past three to four weeks.  Anyways, James and I have had some interesting conversations.  We’ve talked about family, his army days (still have more to discuss there), us, just a bunch of random stuff.  He’s ready to kill Mike…I think from now on, I’m just going to not mention it and hopefully his hate toward him will die down.  We are official if it isn’t obvious already.  Even got him to post it on Facebook, haha.  Mom has started shopping for my cruise.  So far I have two long dresses, a black see through over throw thing, a shirt, and a nightgown.  I’m getting a bit more excited.  Will be better once I get the passports and the savings start racking up.  I figure between now and then if I put aside $150 each check (bi-weekly) I should have about 2,000 to $2,200 by the time the cruise starts. Well I think that’s all for right now, I need to go shower for work and all.  I’ll write again soon.

Well the papers were signed on Wednesday.  Thankfully.  I have a bruise on my arm, not really sure how it got there though.  In Waldorf.  James is on the phone with his brother Mark.  We hooked Netflix up to his playstation and set him up with an account.  We are watching Fire with Fire right now.  Seems pretty good so far.  We stopped part way through to go upstairs though.   So James is kind of mad that I have a bruise…I didn’t really want to say anything, but I don’t like keeping things from him.  It’s not how I want to go about this.  I kept stuff from Mike all the time and it’s part of the reason why things were the way they were.  That and Mike can’t seem to understand that even though I pissed him off he shouldn’t have hit me as hard.  I can understand it sometimes, because well you know, I went around and I’m really to blame for him getting so angry.  I don’t like bringing James into all this though.  It’s not fair to him.  It’s not his problem, and soon it won’t be mine.  I’m not really hurt, and I’m not really worried about it.  I just don’t like the fact that I made him angry.  I need a drink…or two.  I’m sitting here half naked and yeah.  Anyways, I’m done for a bit.  I’ll write another day.  Laters.

Hello, it’s Saturday, you know what that means?  Yep, I’m in Waldorf (big surprise there, huh?)  Anyways, he just got home from work, now he’s playing candy crush and I’m typing this while Harry Potter plays on the tv.  I didn’t get much sleep last night, but that’s okay, I usually don’t anymore.  It’s almost 3pm.  Bleh, at least my headache is pretty much gone.  😀  So let’s see, what else is new?  OH!  Bought me some Winchester Whiskey.  Yes, I bought it for the name mostly, yes I’m a crazy fangirl.  Divorce papers will be signed on Wednesday.  That will be nice, it needs to happen like six months ago.  A commercial for Sonic is on.  Yeah I don’t have much to write about clearly since I’m talking about what is showing on tv.  Actually the things I want to talk about, I kind of can’t because it’s weird, and early and yeah.  You know if I read what I type I would be talking very fast, and my hands don’t type as fast as I think so I make like a ton of errors that I have to keep going back to fix.  Yeah and now I’m just shooting out random stuff.  Whitetail closes today at five for the season.  I didn’t go, but that’s okay, no big deal.  Maybe next year, maybe not, we’ll see.  I want to go, but not many people really like going or like to actually ski.  Bought a new book yesterday, it’s about a girl who is half demon, half gargoyle.  Yep, it’s totally different.  Alright, I’m done for today I guess.  Nice little update for everyone so they know I haven’t forgotten about my blog.  Alright, laters.